Talking to a Loved One About Assisted Living Options

Talking to a Loved One About Assisted Living Options

Whether it's your parents, grandparents, or another loved one, the conversation about assisted living options is difficult to navigate. Everyone wants to maintain their independence for as long as possible. The thought of moving to a senior living community, assisted living facility, or nursing home is scary and may feel like an attack on this independence. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. 


Moving to a senior living community can enhance an older person's abilities and independence. These communities provide support for day-to-day needs, giving residents time and energy to pursue their hobbies and passions without having to stress about mundane tasks.

Unfortunately, many families tiptoe around the conversation about assisted living for far too long, even though it can be a great option for their aging loved ones. The longer you postpone this conversation, the greater the risk for your loved one to have an accident at home becomes. So, here's Rize Up Care's best advice for starting the conversation with your aging loved ones about long-term care.

1. Understand the Many Assisted Living Options

Assisted living for seniors can look a million different ways depending on how much support someone requires. Some people may need full-time assistance and the care of the medical staff at a nursing home. Others may elect to age in place using a home care worker as needed.

Let your loved ones know about the many assisted living options available to provide them the support they need without infringing on their independence. You can learn more about independent living facilities, residential care homes, assisted living communities, and nursing homes in this blog post.

2. Make Future Plans

You should plan to talk about assisted living far before your loved one needs to change their current living situation. Discussing while your loved one is still of sound mind and body ensures preparedness for the day they need extra help and that you can honor their wishes. 

If you wait too long, an accident could happen! According to a recent study, 60% of falls in elderly persons occur inside of the home.

3. Promise to Keep Your Loved One Involved and Informed

Have you ever felt like you don't have a say in or control of your future? You don't want to make your loved ones feel that way! Whenever you talk about assisted living options, make sure you promise to keep your loved one involved in the decision, now or down the line. 

4. Change Your Language

Assisted living communities can be lively places filled with friends, social opportunities, and activities. When talking to your loved one, make sure to highlight the positive aspects and refrain from using threatening and medical terms. For example, say "community" instead of "facility."

5. Tour the Community to Make Sure They Will Be Happy and Safe

To give you and your loved one peace of mind, you should tour the assisted living community to ensure it is safe and suitable for your loved one's needs. Not all assisted living communities are built the same!

Whether your loved one chooses a more hands-on community or to age in place with care at home, there are a few things every facility should have to keep them healthy and safe. Look for, install or purchase:

  • Handrails on staircases
  • Grab bars in the bathroom
  • Remove trip hazards
  • Curbless showers
  • Bathroom benches
  • Stair lights
  • Portable lifting chair

Know the Whats and What-Ifs

These tips can help you smoothly and carefully approach the conversation about and transition into assisted living. Make sure you understand all of the options available to your loved ones and identify the unique risks they face to find the best option for them.

Learn more about how the Raizer M and Raizer II Lifting Chairs can help you help your loved ones back up when they fall.


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Always assess the situation before making medical decisions to help another person. Lifting devices should only be used in certain situations which can be assessed and determined that it is safe to use. If you are uncertain, please seek a medical professional for help. Always use your best judgement. The Raizer Lifting Chairs make the lifting process faster, easier and ensure proper lifting technique. That does not mean that they are suitable for every situation.

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